Implementation of the national AuroraAI programme
The aim of the Aurora national artificial intelligence (AI) programme is to implement an operations model based on people’s needs, where artificial intelligence helps citizens and companies to utilise services in a timely and ethically sustainable manner. The activities of the relevant authorities will be organised in such a way that they support people’s life-events and companies’ business-related events, facilitating seamless, effective and smoothly functioning service paths consisting of the services of several service providers. This will provide people with access to a new way of taking care of their overall well-being and, at the same time, will promote service providers’ ability to form customer-oriented and dynamic service chains in collaboration with other operators and to manage their activities based on up-to-date information.
AuroraAI will strengthen our ability to solve difficult issues in our society relating, for example, to the national economy’s sustainability gap, the aging population or the social exclusion of young people. This will be made possible by creating snapshots across administrative boundaries about people’s true needs and the state of their well-being. Creating such a snapshot will require a new kind of utilisation of information, data analytics and other applications of artificial intelligence. At the same time, services will be allocated efficiently from the point of view of central government finances, and the waste and underutilisation of resources will be removed.
Finland enters the AI age in a human-centric and ethically sustainable way
Using the AuroraAI service model, organisations from various sectors of society will create a snapshot of well-being to support human-centric activities and knowledge-based management. In finding, allocating and proactively steering services, the model will make use of the decentralised and open network created by artificial intelligence and smart applications. The model will lead changes in the authorities’ operational model and will support these changes by implementing an ethically functioning artificial intelligence network, which will help to allocate the services correctly. In addition to implementing this AI network, the human-centric operations model will be adopted in the case of selected life events, run by the organisations in charge and supported by the AuroraAI support team.
Using artificial intelligence, the AuroraAI network will make it possible to allocate the current, partly silo-like supply of services in a timely manner to citizens or companies in need of such services. The information gained about those utilising the service will make knowledge-based management a more effective aid for the production of the services.
Preliminary study on the Aurora national artificial intelligence programme
The term set by the Ministry of Finance for the preliminary study on the Aurora national artificial intelligence programme ran from 15 September 2018 to 28 February 2019. The preliminary study was carried out as extensive, open networking between the public, private and third sectors and, at the same time, was one of the suggestions made in the report AI Finland. The preliminary study identified the kinds of changes activities based on human-centricity and life event-thinking signify, for example, for the provision of services and for management. In addition, during the preliminary study, the first test version of the AuroraAI network of smart services and applications was created, as was the Development and implementation plan for AuroraAI 2019–2023 PDF 1.8MB. A consultation round for the implementation plan took place from 15 March to 12 April 2019 where a total of 65 operators gave a statement; read the Statement summary (in Finnish) PDF420kB.
The implementation plan that was discussed in the consultation round is a joint tentative view based on the preliminary study and its network on how Finnish public administration in particular is being carried towards an era of AI in a safe, ethically sustainable way that places humans at the centre. The Development and implementation plan for the national AuroraAI programme will be made more specific on the grounds of the statements given and the feedback received in the spring of 2019. The Ministry of Finance has appointed a cross-sectoral strategic steering group PDF 466kB to further prepare the implementation plan until 30 September 2019. This steering group has been tasked with creating a joint, cross-sectoral view of the strategic development and management of AuroraAI.
Interaction is an important part of AuroraAI. Communications are carried out in order to reach people and encourage them to engage in open dialogue about the topic in the Slack service, Twitter and LinkedIn under the hashtag #AuroraAI. Please contact Aleksi Kopponen or Niko Ruostetsaari for enquiries about an account ID for the Slack service. In addition, AuroraAI will be discussed in weekly videos and the podcast series Kohti ihmiskeskeistä yhteiskuntaa (in Finnish).
Additional information:
Statement summary (in Finnish)
#AuroraAI – Let your digital twin empower you video on YouTube
Aurora AI - towards a human-centric, proactive society
Video conference on AuroraAI preliminary study
#AuroraAI videos on Suomidigi’s YouTube channel
Podcast series Kohti Ihmiskeskeistä Yhteiskuntaa at (in Finnish)
Mer information:
Niko Ruostetsaari, konsultativ tjänsteman
finansministeriet, Den offentliga förvaltningens informations- och kommunikationstekniska avdelning, Digitalisering Telefon:0295530309 E-postadress: [email protected]