Revenue Working Group

In accordance with its mandate, the Revenue Working Group coordinates the monitoring and analysis of central government and other general government revenue, and reconciles estimates of future revenue development with departmental needs. The working group compiles the central government and general government revenue forecasts and estimates required in economic outlook forecasts, the Budget and spending limits preparations, and medium-term and long-term scenario calculations.

Reports and studies relating to the special issues and procedures are prepared as required. The Revenue Working Group has members from Economics Department, the Budget Department, the Tax Department and the Department for Local Government and Regional Administration.

Further information:

Preparation methods of on-budget revenue estimates
Central government spending limits


Janne Huovari, finanssineuvos 
valtiovarainministeriö, Kansantalousosasto / KO, Reaalitalouden yksikkö Puhelin:0295530171   Sähköpostiosoite: