Personnel planning

The objective of personnel planning is that the right number of suitable persons are working in the right tasks in the organisation at all times. Personnel planning enables the organisation to ensure that it has an adequate amount of the required expertise at its disposal and to anticipate the needs and costs of personnel development.

Personnel plan

The first step to drawing up a personnel plan is establishing the organisation’s quantitative and qualitative personnel requirements based on its strategic and operative needs. When the attrition of the current personnel and the available expertise in the years to come are also determined, a picture of the personnel development and recruitment needs can be obtained.

The network of sparring partners for personnel planning provides central government agencies support for drawing up their personnel plans. The Ministry of Finance has also published a guide on personnel planning.

Contact information

Mika Happonen
Ministerial Adviser
Tel. +358 2955 30272
[email protected]


Mika Happonen, neuvotteleva virkamies 
valtiovarainministeriö, Valtionhallinnon kehittämisosasto, Henkilöstöpolitiikkayksikkö Puhelin:0295530272   Sähköpostiosoite: