Shared government information and communications technology services

Shared government information and communications technology services are services:

  • that have government officials responsible for their arrangement
  • that are used or are intended to be used generally and extensively as support for public administration tasks
  • that do not require sector-specific solutions or significant sector-specific competence and
  • that are based on generally used information and communications technology solutions.

The shared government information and communications technology services (so-called Tori services) are:
1) terminal device and user support services
2) ICT-related working environment services
3) telecommunications and integration services
4) operation and capacity services
5) information security and supervision services.

Requirements for shared services include that they are:

  • cost-effective
  • generally applicable for their purpose of use
  • high-performance and reliable
  • user-friendly, accessible and equally available throughout Finland.

Shared services must comply with the state’s overall IT management architecture and interoperability descriptions and specifications and they must meet necessary information security and contingency planning requirements.


Tommi Kangasaho, tietohallintoneuvos 
valtiovarainministeriö, Julkisen hallinnon tieto- ja viestintätekninen osasto / Julk ICT, Palveluiden ja turvallisuuden ohjausyksikkö Puhelin:0295530264   Sähköpostiosoite: