European Commission requests further information on Finland’s draft budgetary plan

On Tuesday 25 October, the European Commission requested further information on Finland’s draft budgetary plan for 2017. Finland is treating the request with due seriousness.
Due to technical problems, it was not possible to publish this press release on the Ministry of Finance’s website until 4.20 pm.
The European Commission sent a letter on the matter to Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo. The Ministry of Finance will provide an official reply to the Commission’s letter on Thursday 27 October and will issue a further press release accordingly.
Draft budgetary plans (DBPs) are part of the European Union’s coordinated surveillance exercise. The DBP should allow the identification of any deviations from the general government finances strategy presented in the most recent Stability Programme.
Finland’s draft budgetary plan is based on the Government’s draft budget, the programme for local government finances and this year’s supplementary budgets.
Letter from the European CommissionLink to an external website
Finland submits its draft budgetary plan for 2017 to the European Union (press release 13 October)
Marketta Henriksson, Director, tel. +358 2955 30441, marketta.henriksson(at)
Ville Valkonen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 44 567 2201, ville.valkonen(at)