
Economics Department

The key task of the Economics Department is to prepare the Government’s economic policy. We support decision-making by producing reliable, reasoned and independent economic analyses, impact assessments and forecasts on the national economy and general government finances. We communicate about the economic situation and outlook and about economic and fiscal policy. Our forecasts are independent and impartial. We also participate in the preparation of the EU’s economic policy and coordinate matters related to Finland’s credit rating together with the State Treasury. 

Director General of the Economics Department - Mikko Spolander

The Department is divided into following units:

Macro Forecasting – Janne Huovari, Head of Unit
Fiscal Forecasting – Jenni Pääkkönen, Head of Unit
Macro Fiscal Policy Analysis – Seppo Orjasniemi, Head of Unit
Information Services – Harri Kähkönen, Head of Unit

Budget Department

The Budget Department is responsible for preparing fiscal and structural policy objectives and measures. We prepare the General Government Fiscal Plan and the Budget. We are responsible for statutes concerning national financial administration and financial control of central government finances and for measures to implement those statutes. We are also prepare matters concerning the EU’s budget and financial framework.

Mika Niemelä is Director General of the Budget Department.

The Department is divided into following units and groups external to the units:

Fiscal Policy Unit – Annika Klimenko, Deputy Director General
Fiscal Policy Analysis Unit – Marja Paavonen, Head of Unit
Structural Policy Unit – Ulla Hämäläinen, Head of Unit
Financial Management and Legal Affairs Unit – Niko Ijäs, Head of Unit
EU Unit - Seija Kivinen, Head of Unit
Calculation Group – Johanna Orivuori, Head of Unit
Assistant Group – Lauri Taro, Head of Unit

Tax Department

The Tax Department is the Government’s expert on tax policy.  We develop the tax system and assess the effects of tax policy. We draft tax legislation and participate in developing the work of the Tax Administration and Customs. We prepare Finland’s tax treaties with other countries and represent Finland in tax and customs preparation in the European Union. 

Terhi Järvikare is Director General of the Tax Department.

The Department is divided into following units:

Personal Taxation Unit – Panu Pykönen, Head of Unit
Business Taxation Unit – Jari Salokoski, Head of Unit
Value Added Taxation Unit – Tuula Karjalainen, Head of Unit
Customs Unit – Ismo Mäenpää, Head of Unit
Excise Duty Unit – Merja Sandell, Head of Unit
International Tax Affairs Unit – Minna Ojala, Head of Unit

Financial Markets Department

The Financial Markets Department draws up the rules for financial markets and strengthens the framework in which the markets can operate. The goal is for citizens to be able to trust that the financial markets will operate stably, efficiently and equitably in all circumstances. We are also responsible for ensuring that the Ministry’s national and international activities in financing issues are effective and valued.

Pauli Kariniemi is Director General of the Financial Markets Department.

The Department is divided into following units:

Unit for Capital Markets – Anu Ranta, Head of Unit
Unit for Banking and Market Infrastructure – Reima Letto, Head of Unit
Unit for Financial Policy – Sakari Lehtiö, Head of Unit
Unit for Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing – Jaana Vehmaskoski, Head of Unit

Public Governance Department

The Public Governance Department is responsible for the development of public governance, future governance policy and for regenerative leadership . We develop systems and structures for public governance and promote the adoption of shared practices in central government. We promote the efficient use of public funds in relation to public procurement and central government real estate assets. We promote the competitiveness of central government as an employer and support government agencies in management and personnel development. We also seek to ensure that government agencies and personnel are able to succeed within the framework of new legislation and agreements.

Juha Sarkio is Director General of the Public Governance Department.

The Public Governance Department has four units:

Governance Policy Unit – Katju Holkeri, Head of Unit
Human Resources Policy Unit – Juha Madetoja, Head of Unit
Corporate Services Policy Unit – Tero Meltti, Head of Unit
Administration Policy Unit – Janne Öberg, Head of Unit

The Office for the Government as Employer

The Office for the Government as Employer operates in conjunction with the Public Governance Department and is responsible for the central government’s employer policy and supports government agencies in their role as employers. It acts as the employer representative on behalf of central government in centralised collective agreement negotiations and prepares matters concerning protection of the interests of the government as an employer in incomes policy, labour policy and policy decisions regarding working life.

The Office for the Government as Employer is headed by Chief of Negotiations Sari Ojanen.

Local Government Department

Local Government Department is responsible for drafting legislation related to the governance, personnel, finances and financing of municipalities and well-being services counties. We are responsible for developing municipal self-government and for matters related to the municipal structure. We also play a role in the steering of well-being services counties.  

Local Government Department is headed by Jani Pitkäniemi, Director General.

The Department consists of three units:

Administration and Policy Unit – Minna-Marja Jokinen, Head of Unit
Accounting and Information Unit – Pasi Leppänen, Head of Unit
Finance and Financial Systems Unit – Kati Jussila, Head of Unit

Department for Steering of Wellbeing Services Counties

The Department for Steering of Wellbeing Services Counties is responsible for the Ministry of Finance’s statutory steering duties relating to the wellbeing services counties. These duties include procedures relating to budget authorities for borrowing, additional funding procedures and assessment procedures. The department is also responsible for coordinating the steering of wellbeing services counties in the Government. We support decision making by the Government and the Ministry of Finance by producing up-to-date information on and assessments of the activities and finances of the wellbeing services counties. The work of the department is based on close interaction with the wellbeing services counties in various advisory boards and regional networks.

Ville-Veikko Ahonen is Acting Director General of the Department for Steering of Wellbeing Services Counties.

The Department for Steering of Wellbeing Services Counties is divided into following units:

Steering Unit – Noora Heinonen, Head of Unit
Information and Analytics Unit – Laura Pitkänen, Head of Unit

Administrative Governance and Development

Administrative Governance and Development is responsible for the Ministry’s internal services. We handle general and economic administration, human resources management and development, communications, and information management. We are also responsible for the development and coordination of the performance guidance of agencies in our branch of government and for the state ownership steering of businesses in the Ministry’s field of activity. 

Anu Nousiainen is Director of Administrative Governance and Development.

The Department is divided into following units:

HR Administration – Selena Savo, HR Manager
Financial Administration – Jan Holmberg, Financial Manager
Information Unit – Vesa Lipponen, Information Director
Media and Communications – Johanna Vesikallio, Director of Communications
General Administration – Karri Safo, Senior Government Adviser 

Public Sector ICT

The Public Sector ICT Department guides public sector information management, structural development, joint services and service provision. We provide guidance on the general criteria for e-services and information security, and prepare information and governance policies and related legislation. We are also responsible for the performance guidance of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the Government ICT Centre Valtori. 

The Government CIO of this operational unit is Jarkko Levasma.

The Department is divided into following units:

Information Policy – Maarit Huotari, Senior Adviser for Legislative Affairs, Head of Unit
Digitalisation – Katja Väänänen, Senior Ministerial Adviser for Information Management, Head of Unit
Cyber Security and Infrastructure – Tomi Hytönen, Budget Counsellor, Head of Unit

The Government Financial Controller's Function

The Government Financial Controller's Function supports and ensures compliance with the principles of good governance. We develop and ensure the quality of the systems used to control and report on central government finances and operations. We handle the guidance, coordination and development of internal control and the related risk management. With respect to the EU’s financial management, we coordinate fraud prevention work and handle national auditing tasks relating to several EU-funded programmes.

The Government Financial Controller's Unit operates as part of the Government Financial Controller's Function. Three independent bodies operate in connection with the Function: the Audit Authority Unit, the Certifying Authority Unit, and the Ministry's Internal Audit. The Ministry's Internal Audit operates under the Permanent Secretary.

The head of the Government Financial Controller's Function and Unit is Jaana Kuusisto, Government Controller-General.

The head of the Audit Authority Unit is Kari Rouvinen.

 The Certifying Authority Unit is headed by Jarkko Huhtaniska.

Secretariat for EU Affairs

The Secretariat for EU Affairs prepares matters concerning meetings of the EU’s Economic and Financial Committee, Eurogroup, Economic and Financial Committee, and Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs. We are also responsible for preparing the coordination of EU economic policy, for the coordination and reporting of Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan and for drafting payment applications. We also assist the Ministry's leadership and departments in EU and international affairs, in the coordination of preparatory work and in communications outside the Ministry. 

The head of the secretariat is Marketta Henriksson.

International Financial Affairs Unit

The International Financial Affairs Unit is responsible for preparatory work in matters related to international financial institutions, other international organisations, the stability of the euro area and financial aid programmes. We prepare Finland’s positions and statements of its national views. 

The head of the unit is Tuuli Juurikkala.