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Artificial intelligence and robotisation

The use of information and rapidly evolving technologies will offer new opportunities to intensify operations, deliver savings and improve the availability, quality and customer experience of services. Technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics have become part of modern society that makes use of digitalisation. The development of the activity of public administration also includes utilisation of digitalisation and the newest technologies. The full utilisation of digitalisation and new technologies is driven by the desire to improve considerably the efficiency of public administration.

Artificial intelligence is a collection of different technologies and applications from data analysis to machine learning and natural language processing. AI enables machines, devices, programs, systems and services to function in a manner that is sensible in light of the given task and situation. A sound level of activity requires certain characteristics from artificial intelligence. It must be able to identify different situations and environments and function according to changing circumstances. These characteristics require autonomy, learnability and performance from artificial intelligence. Systems based on AI help reduce costs, release working time to critical tasks and offer faster and better services for customers’ real needs. At the same time, it creates conditions for new kind of digital business.

Modern robotics using AI offers great opportunities for developing activities in different sectors of society by automating manual routine work. A robot is often perceived as a physical dimension of artificial intelligence, that is, a tool that can have an effect on its physical environment at least partly independently and thus automate processes through repetition. In a broader sense, robotics also covers software robotics, which refers to applications that perform simple tasks assigned to them in connection with data input, updating and search. Robots provide much needed hands to nearly all problems prevailing in society, whether the challenges be in administration, caring or climate.

More information:

Niko Ruostetsaari, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Finance, Public Sector ICT, Digitalisation Telephone:0295530309   Email Address: