Digi arkeen Advisory Board

The Digi arkeen (Digitalisation for everyday life) Advisory Board is a channel for cooperation and dialogue between NGOs, researchers, different authorities and the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for the digitalisation of public services.

The aim of the Digi arkeen Advisory Board is to support the development of digital services so that different population groups can use them on an equal basis.

The Advisory Board’s strives to increase the dialogue between the designers and users of digital services, for example from the perspective of special groups. The work is also aimed at identifying and supporting new ways of organising cooperation between the administration, NGOs and research.

The term of the Digi arkeen Advisory Board is 15 April 2020 to 31 March 2023. The Advisory Board is currently in its second term.

The Digi arkeen Advisory Board has 17 members in addition to its chairperson. The Advisory Board is chaired by Marianne Heikkilä from the Martha Organisation, with Sari Vapaavuori from VALLI, the Finnish Union for Senior Services, as vicechair. The Advisory Board is composed of representatives of various organisations and authorities, and it meets 4 to 6 times a year.

Events of the Digi arkeen Advisory Board

The Advisory Board organises round-table discussions, which are open to all and address varying topics. The aim of the round-table discussions is to increase understanding of the issues that should be taken into account in the promotion of digitalisation. In addition, the discussions jointly seek solutions to the challenges identified.

Altogether five round-table discussions have been held during 2020-2022:

During its mandate, the Digi arkeen Advisory Board has organised a number of open events, such as a panel discussion on the topic Accessibility as a competitive advantage – tools for companies (1 September 2021).

Digi arkeen Advisory Board in social media

Discussions can be held in social media using the hashtag #DigiArkeen.


You can give feedback on the Digi arkeen feedback and ideas page or contact the secretariat of officials of the Ministry of Finance:

  • Pirre Laaksonen, Coordinator, tel. +358 2955 30243 (Ministry of Finance/Public Sector ICT)
  • Marjukka Saarijärvi, Programme Manager, tel. +358 2955 30208 (Ministry of Finance/Public Sector ICT)
  • Suvi Savolainen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 2955 30122 (Ministry of Finance/Local Government and Regional Administration)
  • Heikki Talkkari, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 2955 30096 (Ministry of Finance/Public Sector ICT)

Email: firstname.lastname@gov.fi