Financial and HR services

The government financial and HR administration is a function that reaches across administrative branches to ensure the appropriate use of central government finances and to maintain good administrative practices. Actors in the government financial and HR administration are jointly responsible for expert and efficient management in financial and HR administration.

The key actors in the government financial and HR administration are the ministries and agencies in the various administrative branches, the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR, the State Treasury and the Ministry of Finance. The responsibility for legislation on financial and HR administration, for policy and strategy at corporate level and for strategic direction and guidance rests with the Ministry of Finance. The State Treasury directs and guides the accounting units and the funds constituting off-budget entities in order to ensure that their bookkeeping and other accounting functions are managed consistently. The financial and HR management in each agency is responsible for financial and HR planning and monitoring in that agency and for implementing and directing the duties within the purview of the agency . The Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR is responsible for support and expert services for financial administration and HR in government agencies and public bodies.

The State TreasuryLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

The Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HRLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Contact information

Eeva Kaunismaa
Senior Specialist
Tel. +358 2955 30103

Tero Meltti
Senior Ministerial Adviser, Financial Affairs
Tel. +358 2955 30770