Advisory boards of Coordination Group for Digitalisation

Section 7 of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019) tasks the Ministry of Finance with ensuring that cooperation practices and procedures for authorities operating in government agencies and public bodies and the authorities of wellbeing services counties, joint county authorities for wellbeing services and municipalities have been arranged for the coordination of the cooperation relating to information management in public administration and the production of information and communication technical services.

In 2020, the Ministry of Finance appointed four cooperation groups by virtue of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration. These cooperation groups monitored the development of digitalisation and information management in public administration and assessed the impact of planned changes to tasks, services and information systems of public administration on the activities of public authorities. The terms of most of the groups ended on 31 December 2023. The objective of the preparation of the reappointment of cooperation structures was to create an approach that is suited to the current operating environment and that appropriately enables stakeholder participation. The approach also takes into account the Coordination Group for Digitalisation appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications on 26 October 2023.

Strategic Advisory Board on Digitalisation and the Data Economy

The objective of the Strategic Advisory Board of Digitalisation and the Data Economy is to enhance cooperation, coordination and the flow of information between general government actors in the field of digitalisation and the data economy. It is also tasked with forming a shared situational picture for general government of themes relating to the development of digitalisation and the data economy. The board also deals with key legislative proposals and development plans concerning digitalisation, the data economy and information management.

The Strategic Advisory Board on Digitalisation and the Data Economy supports the work of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation and ministerial working group on social transformation by monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Finland’s Digital Compass. The board works to improve effectiveness in cooperation with the other advisory boards operating under the Coordination Group for Digitalisation and with other expert groups and network operating under the ministries. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the board's secretariat, and the board’s term is 2 April 2024–31 December 2027.

The tasks of the Strategic Advisory Board on Digitalisation and the Data Economy are to:

  • provide positions and strategic vision across administrative boundaries to support the management of digitalisation and the data economy as well as the achievement of the objectives of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation;  
  • support public sector cooperation in the implementation of Finland's Digital Compass and the assessment of the impacts of its implementation, for example, using the indicators of the digital portfolio and Digital Compass; 
  • discuss regulatory proposals and development packages that play a key role in the digitalisation of public administration. 

Expert secretariat

A preparatory expert secretariat operates in conjunction with the Strategic Advisory Board on Digitalisation and the Data Economy. The expert secretariat is tasked with preparing the action plan for the strategic advisory board, preparing the agendas of the meetings and participating in ensuring that information flows between the underlying organisations. 

Advisory Board on Information Management in Central Government (VALTI)

The key tasks of the Advisory Board on Information Management in Central Government are to form a shared view and overall understanding of how information management is organised in public administration and to support administrative branches and the Coordination Group for Digitalisation in planning and decision-making in matters relating to ICT development. The board is also a key forum for collaboration relating to preparedness for disruptions of central government information security and information management. The board's membership is made up of heads of central government information management, and the Ministry of Finance is responsible for the board’s secretariat. 

The tasks of the Advisory Board on Information Management in Central Government are to: 

  • support the Ministry of Finance's ICT guidance task by forming a shared picture of the most effective way to organise information management in central government;
  • monitor key development projects and strategically coordinate measures concerning information management in central government, particularly from the perspective of shared government services and information resources;
  • monitor the development of information management in central government and consider and promote matters relating to preparing for disruptions;
  • form an overall situation picture of central government ICT and support the work of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation in matters relating to ICT development.

Strategic Advisory Board on Cyber Security in Public Administration

The Ministry of Finance has appointed a Strategic Advisory Board on Cyber Security in Public Administration for the term of 12 June 2024–31 December 2027. The board is a strategic-level group that is made up of appointed directors responsible for the development of the functions of organisations in public administration.

The goal of the Strategic Advisory Board on Cyber Security in Public Administration is to form a shared situation picture, covering all of public administration, of cyber security issues relating to digitalisation and the data economy. The board coordinates collaboration between the information management units referred to in the Act on Information Management in Public Administration. The board also maintains and strengthens networks for cooperation in government and all of public administration. Furthermore, the board aims to improve cooperation, coordination and the flow of information between actors in public administration in the field of cyber security. The board supports the work of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation and the ministerial working group on social transformation by monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Finland's Digital Compass in the fields of cyber and digital security.

The board works with the other advisory boards operating under the Coordination Group for Digitalisation and with other expert groups and networks operating under the ministries to boost effectiveness. This involves considering key legislative proposals and development plans relating to cyber security.

The tasks of the Strategic Advisory Board on Cyber Security in Public Administration are to:

  • monitor the progress of the Government Programme's entries concerning cyber security in public administration; 
  • anticipate the strategic cyber security situation and strategic risks in public administration, including significant technological risks; 
  • plan and monitor the effectiveness, benefits and costs of cyber security in public administration and set priorities if necessary;
  • monitor joint efforts to influence the development of EU, NATO and international cyber security and to make use of the results of cooperation in public administration; 
  • promote cyber security in public administration through open and extensive collaboration between public authorities, organisations and citizens; 
  • discuss key national and international strategies and policies, regulatory proposals, development packages, positions, and instructions concerning the cyber security of service provision in public administration; 
  • give opinions on joint cyber security positions and joint cyber security instructions in public administration.

The Strategic Advisory Board on Cyber Security in Public Administration continues the work of the prior strategic management group for digital security.

The Digital Panel

The Digital Panel is a high-level advisory board of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation. It is appointed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Its objective is to support societal reforms and improve the business environment by creating new initiatives, proposals and approaches. The Digital Panel identifies ways of safely adopting new technologies while mitigating risks. It also works to implement human-centred digital public services. The Digital Panel also supports Finland's effectiveness in the EU and on the global stage by highlighting initiatives that relate to the digital transformation, the data economy and technological development that are of key interest to Finland.

The members of the Digital Panel represent different sectors of society. The Digital Panel is part of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation's stakeholder cooperation efforts and it reports on its activities to the chairs of the Coordination Group.

The Digital Panel is chaired by Kirsi Karlamaa, who is Director of Technology and Strategy at the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency. The members of the Digital Panel represent a broad range of perspectives on society. The Digital Panel works with public officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Employment and the Economy and Ministry of Education and Culture and may consult with external experts. The term of the Digital Panel is from 1 August 2024 to 31 May 2026.

Tasks of the Digital Panel:

  • Compiling a comprehensive and forward-looking picture of Finland's opportunities and challenges in the fields of digitalisation, the data economy and technological development.
  • Identifying and creating new initiatives and approaches that will help Finland remain a global leader in digitalisation, the data economy and technological development.
  • Issuing recommendations for solving future challenges in a way that takes the sustainable development of digitalisation into account.
  • Consulting experts and fostering forward-looking discussions around the opportunities and impacts of digitalisation, technological development and the evolution of digital services. The consultations and discussions will also cover the ethical and security dimensions of digitalisation.
  • Increasing public awareness of the Digital Panel's field and sharing information on its objectives and the results of its work with its own networks. The Digital Panel openly shares information on its activities and the results of its work.
  • Supporting the foresight efforts of the Coordination Group for Digitalisation and the implementation of Finland's Digital Compass and launching initiatives to update Finland's Digital Compass.

Read more: The Government Project Register Hankeikkuna (in Finnish)Link to an external website