Advisory Committee on Local Government Finances and Administration
The Advisory Committee on Local Government Finances and Administration operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance. In addition to the Ministry of Finance, the Advisory Committee has representatives from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities.
The Advisory Committee’s function is to discuss
- Development plans and legislation projects concerning local government finances and administration during the preparatory stage
- The budget proposal in parts that concern local government finances
- Government proposals concerning local government finances and administration before they are handled in the Government
- The division of costs between central and local government
- Other significant matters concerning local government finances and administration.
Ministry of Finance
Sirpa Paatero, Minister of Local Government and Ownership Steering
(deputy Sami Yläoutinen, Economic Policy Coordinator)
Jani Pitkäniemi, Director General
(deputy Minna-Marja Jokinen, Senior Counsellor)
Hannu Mäkinen, Director General of the Budget Department
(deputy Juha Majanen, Deputy Director General)
Jouko Narikka, Senior Ministerial Advisor
(deputy Assi Aalto, Financial Adviser)
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Tuija Kumpulainen, Director General
(deputy Pasi Pohjola, Deputy Director General)
Ministry of Education and Culture
Eeva-Riitta Pirhonen, Director General
(deputy Timo Ertola, Ministerial Adviser)
The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities nominates one-half of the members and their deputies to the Advisory Committee.
The Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities has appointed the following members and their personal deputies as its representatives to the Advisory Committee:
Minna Karhunen, Chief Executive Officer
(deputy Kristina Wikberg, Director of International and Swedish-language Affairs)
Timo Reina, Deputy Managing Director
(deputy Jarkko Huovinen, Director)
Hanna Tainio, Deputy Managing Director
(deputy Tarja Myllärinen, Director)
Terhi Päivärinta, Director
(deputy Päivi Väisänen-Haapanen, Senior Adviser)
Ilari Soosalu, Director
(deputy Arto Sulonen, Legal Director)
Minna Punakallio, Chief Economist
(deputy Henrik Rainio, Director)
The Government has appointed Sirpa Paatero, Minister of Local Government and Ownership Steering, as Chair of the Advisory Committee and Minna Karhunen, Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, as Vice-Chair.
Anu Hernesmaa, Ministerial Adviser, is the General Secretary of the Advisory Committee.
Anu Hernesmaa, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Finance, Local Government Department, Administration and Policy Unit Telephone:0295530027 Email Address: