Employees' mutual funds 

An employees' mutual fund is owned and controlled by the employees of a company, government agency or municipality, with the purpose of managing the performance bonuses, profit bonuses and other assets paid to it under the Act on Personnel Funds (934/2010). An employees’ mutual fund covers all persons working for an organisation. 

The purpose of employees' mutual funds is to reward the entire staff for achieving targets, and to improve the productivity and competitiveness of a company or government agency. Establishing an employees’ mutual fund is voluntary and requires an agreement between the employer and the staff. Employees decide on the establishment of the fund and, as the employer, the government agency decides on the performance bonus scheme. 

Employees' mutual funds are regulated by the Act on Personnel Funds (934/2010). The Cooperation Ombudsman, who works under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, supervises the activities of the funds and keeps a register of them. 

Further information 

Performance-related pay 

Contact information

Tanja Mikkonen
Ministerial Adviser
Tel. +358 2955 30341