About the site

Service contents
Terms of Use
Personal Data Management

The newwebsite of the Ministry of Finance was introduced in February 2015. The site makes part of the government web communications reform which includes the introduction of a shared technical solution for government online publications.

The reform of the website will continue.

Service contents

The address of the Ministry of Finance's online service is vm.fi. The ministry is responsible for the website, which is jointly maintained by the communications unit and the various departments within the ministry. The online service is provided in Finnish, Swedish and English.

The frontpage includes the latest news from the Ministry of Finance in the form of highlights and press releases. Highlights related to the ministry's core services and topical themes are also posted on the frontpage.

The 'Current issues' section includes a collection of the ministry's press releases, news, speeches and columns. You can also order content to be sent to your own email address. You can follow the ministry on the social media via its X (Twitter) feedLink to an external website and YouTube videosLink to an external website.

The 'Areas of expertise' section presents the ministry's activities and tasks. In this section, information is presented on economic policy, administrative policy, economic prospects, taxation, the financial markets, public sector ICT, municipal affairs and the Government as an employer.

In the 'Projects' section information has been assembled on key projects and programmes underway within the Ministry of Finance and the activities of working groups.

The 'Ministry' section presents issues related to the ministry's tasks and objectives, leadership and organisation, branch of government and preparedness. This section also presents information on the ministry's personnel, economics, the ministry as an employer and its history.

On top of each page, a menu provides access to ministries' websites and the Government Media Service accessible after registration. Links are also provided to a search function, contacts, feed-back and a sitemap.

The Government Media ServiceLink to an external website provides press releases, invitations, decision material and contact information for registered media representatives. Information for the site is produced by all ministries, the Office of the President of the Republic and the Office of the Chancellor of Justice.


RSS feeds

The website makes ministry's news material available in the form of RSS feeds.


A search function can be accessed via the website header.

The search function returns results by default from the entire website. Quick search returns pages that include all of your search terms in the given language. The Boolean operator ’AND’ is auto-matically added between the search words. Search by partial words is also possible. Results are listed in order of publication.


If you have any questions or wish to submit feedback relating to the Ministry's web service, please use the form to contact us. All feedback will be processed during office hours and answered within two weeks of receipt when provided with contact details (e-mail address or name and address). Contact will primarily be by e-mail. All official correspondence must be sent to the Ministry of Finance Registry: kirjaamo.vm(a)gov.fi.

Web browsers and terminal devices

The website uses responsive design and the content adapts to the used device. The pages are best viewed with the latest browser versions. The website can be viewed with earlier browser versions but then you might not be able to make full use of all the service features available.

Downloading and reader applications

To read PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat ReaderLink to an external website programme, which can be downloaded free.

To read ePUB files, you need a reader application supported by your device.

The website also contains direct webcasts and video recordings in the form of live streamings from a separate server and adaptable to the used device.

Terms of use

Please read carefully the terms of use. By using this website, you agree to these terms of use as they currently are.


The Ministry of Finance, or any other named information provider, owns the copyright to the texts and photographs published on the website.

All text material can be freely used and linked to in proper context and provided that reference is made to the original source. Use of text material for commercial purposes requires prior agree-ment with the Ministry of Finance.

Photos and related terms of use

The Ministry of Finance holds the right of use to the photographs.

Legal notice

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the website.

Every effort is made to keep information on the website up-to-date and accurate. The Ministry of Finance is not responsible for any losses or damage suffered by users due to possible errors on the site. Nor is the Ministry responsible for any harm caused by technical problems or any material published by external parties and linked to the website.

Linked pages are subject to their respective terms of use. The Ministry of Finance assumes no re-sponsibility for the accuracy of any third party products or information provided on their web-sites. Where our site contains links to other sites, that does not mean that the Ministry of Finance has or has had any responsibility for the functioning of those sites or any products or services pro-vided through them.

On this website, the Ministry of Finance has the right, but is under no obligation, to monitor and edit the content of texts in parts of the site where users post or transfer messages. The Ministry of Finance is not responsible for the content of such messages, irrespective of whether legislation on copyright, defamation or privacy protection or any other acts apply to such messages. At its discretion, the Ministry of Finance can remove any user-posted material it considers inappropriate from its website.

The Ministry of Finance does not pay compensation for the use of this website or for any informa-tion that users may provide through it. Users grant the Ministry of Finance unrestricted, global rights free of any charge to use and edit any such materials.

The Ministry of Finance cannot guarantee the confidentiality of messages sent through an open information network. Users should avoid sending confidential information via e-mail.

No material on this website can be deemed an offer, request or commitment that is binding on the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance retains the right to update, edit or change the terms of use and the con-tent and visual image of the website. Users are advised, from time to time, to check the terms of use in force on this web page. Ministry of Finance has the right, at any time and for an unspecified reason, to suspend the provision of these website services, for example for the duration of maintenance and updating.

Users undertake to compensate the injured party in full for any damage arising from the breach of these terms of use by the user in question.

If a part of these terms of use are deemed to be in violation of an unconditional legal provision or cannot be applied in practice, such a part will not affect the validity of other parts of these terms of use.

Finnish law shall apply to these terms of use and their interpretation, aside from cases in which there is a conflict between the legal provisions in question.

Personal data management

Read more about the processing of personal data and data protection:

Data protection

Social extensions

The website has links to the websites of third parties and so called social extensions (e.g. Twitter social plug-ins). Any third party extensions or plug-ins on this website are downloaded from their respective servers. This website does not send information on its users through social extensions.

Third party services and their applications provided by them are subject to their respective terms of use and other conditions.


Further information on the website is available from the Ministry of Finance. Please contact Media and Communications Unit at viestinta.vm(a)gov.fi.

Ministry of Finance
Snellmaninkatu 1 A, Helsinki
PO Box 28, FI-00023 Government Finland
Telephone +358 295 16001
