Anticipatory innovation governance in central government

Society is undergoing rapid and fundamental changes.  Public administration bears particular responsibility for guiding these changes in a way that is beneficial to all of society. The goal of anticipatory innovation governance is to better support systemic change in society. Finnish administration is responsive to change. However, administration must be more proactive and take a more active approach to shaping the future. 

Anticipatory innovation governance aims to:

  1. improve the proactive and timely use of knowledge when preparing decisions;
  2. improve the capability to implement decisions once they are made;
  3. foster a shared understanding of the future and increase the readiness of society to accept long-term measures and investments;
  4. ensure the continuity of changes over the long term across political cycles;
  5. identify and remove administrative barriers when examining policy options; 
  6. improve the ability of public administration to produce innovative solutions; 
  7. increase trust in public administration. 

Central government is developing anticipatory innovation governance based on the OECD’s recommendations for Finland published in 2022.

Presentation in English: Anticipatory innovation governance modelFile opens in a new tab pdf 13MB

A summary report: Anticipatory innovation governance: Towards a new way of governing in FinlandLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Anticipatory innovation governance model: towards a new way of governing in FinlandLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab

Contact information

Ira Alanko
Senior Specialist 
Tel. +358 2955 30353

Katju Holkeri
Senior Ministerial Adviser
Tel. +358 2955 30087

Markus Siltanen
Senior Ministerial Adviser
Tel. +359 02955 30263