Finnish Productivity Board

The Productivity Board is an independent expert body operating in connection with the Ministry of Finance.

It is the Board’s responsibility to monitor the development of productivity and competitiveness of the Finnish economy, and to regularly provide and publish independent evaluations of it. The Board prepares financial reports and estimates concerning the developments in income and expenditure. 

It also takes part in the discussion and exchange of information with the productivity boards of other EU Member States and the EU Economic Policy Committee.

In carrying out its task, the Board can develop the means of financial assessment and measurement as well as commission studies and reports.

Annual reports and press releases


Skilled people create productivity - Skills shortage threatens to slow down the effectiveness of R&D investments and productivity growth

Press release: Osaajapula uhkaa tuottavuuden kasvua tulevaisuudessa (October 10, 2023)

Background reports

Outi Jurvanen
Role of human capital for productivity - Replicating the analyses of the OECD's The Human Side of Productivity with Finnish data. Data Room Report 4/2023. VATT Institute for Economic Research. (in Finnish)

Elsi Etelävuori
Tekoäly ja sen tuottavuusvaikutukset (in Finnish)

Janne Huovari & Mika Maliranta
Markkinasektorin aineettomat investoinnit (in Finnish)

Seppo Kangaspunta
Inhimillinen pääoma Euroopan tuottavuuslautakuntien raporteissa (in Finnish)

Natalia Kuosmanen
Can misallocation explain productivity dispersion across firms? 


Wages and competitiveness depend on productivity : How can we foster productivity growth?

Press release: Tuottavuuden kehitys Suomessa vaisua (September 30, 2022)


Productivity and resource allocation – Weak level and growth of productivity in Finland's digital services

Press release: Suomi tarvitsee lisää korkean tuottavuuden yrityksiä ja työpaikkoja (September 29, 2021)


Productivity and competitiveness in Finland : Which factors affect competitiveness? Why do we need it?

Press release: Tuottavuus on hyvinvoinnin ja kilpailukyvyn edistämisen avain (December 2, 2020)


Tuottavuuden tila Suomessa – Miksi sen kasvu pysähtyi, käynnistyykö se uudelleen? (in Finnish)

Press release: Suomessa tuottavuuden kasvu kääntyi poikkeukselliseen laskuun finanssikriisin jälkeen mutta on nyt elpynyt (March 18, 2019)