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Information policy report

In December 2018, Juha Sipilä's Government of 2015–2019 submitted to Parliament the Government report on information policy and artificial intelligence. In the report, information policy is studied not only from the viewpoint of information management, but also from the perspectives of the conditions for the use of information, value basis, ethical principles and financial impacts. The report constitutes the knowledge basis and a policy, upon which a roadmap with prioritised concrete actions can be built in the future.

The themes of the report include the following: defining information policy; making extensive use of AI; AI competence needs; and the platform and data economy. The measures included in the report concern matters such as the gathering and combining of information, and information disclosure and storage as well as information security and data protection. The measures examined in the report also include ethical issues, securing expertise, regulatory issues and policy-level participation in the EU and international forums.

The report strengthens the competiveness and decision-making capacity of Finland and enterprises operating in Finland and other actors in society. In addition, the polices and principles made together build an economically, socially, culturally, securely and environmentally sustainable society also in terms of people's wellbeing.

The report also draws a picture of Finland as a favourable operating environment for the data economy, which attracts international competence, innovations and experimental and development activities. Society built on trust is seen as a strength for Finland, containing the ethical value base, participation, responsibility and security for information policy selections and AI development.

Report on ethical information policy in an age of artificial intelligence

The themes of the Report on ethical information policy in an age of artificial intelligence include defining information policy, making extensive use of AI, AI competence needs, and the platform and data economy. A considerable number of projects on these issues are under way in different branches of government, and one of the tasks of information policy is to reinforce the shared objectives of these projects.

The specific measures set out in the report concern matters such as information security, data protection, the gathering and combining of information, and information disclosure and storage. Other areas examined include ethical issues, securing expertise, regulatory issues, new focus areas and policy-level participation in the EU and international forums.

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More information:

Olli-Pekka Rissanen, Chief Specialist 
Ministry of Finance, Public Sector ICT, Information Policy Telephone:0295530364   Email Address: