European Semester

The European Semester is an annual process, where the European Union coordinates and monitors economic policy. The European Commission and the Council of the EU analyse Member States' fiscal and structural policies, issue recommendations and monitor their implementation.

The European Semester begins in the end of the year, when the Commission adopts the Annual Growth Survey and the Alert Mechanism Report. In March, the European Council defines the key challenges in economic policy.

In April, Member States report to the EU in their Stability or Convergence Programmes and National Reform Programmes the measures planned and implemented. The measures 

  • ensure compliance with the EU's fiscal policy rules
  • support growth and employment
  • prevent or correct macroeconomic imbalances.

These programmes must take into account the guidance given by the European Council.

The Commission assesses Member States' plans and makes proposals country-specific recommendations. Member States' ministers discuss these recommendations in June, after which they are adopted by the European Council and the Economic and Financial Affairs Council. These recommendations should be taken into account in decision-making at the national level.

The European Semester is complemented by a common budgetary timeline for the euro area Member States. In the spring, euro area Member States prepare a medium-term fiscal plan and in the autumn, a Draft Budgetary Plan. The Commission assesses compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact on the basis of these plans. The Eurogroup discusses Member States' plans and the state of the public finances in the euro area.

European Semester in 2024Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab (Council of the European Union)

Commission press release on the Autumn PackageLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab (26 November 2024)

Background on the European Semester Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab(Council of the European Union)

Background on the economic governance Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab(European Commission)

Contact information

Head of Secretariat for EU Affairs
Marketta Henriksson
Tel. +358 2955 30441

Senior Ministerial Adviser
Laura Vartia
Tel. +358 2955 30228

Ministerial Adviser
Antti Kekäläinen
Tel. +358 2955 30386