Advisory Body on Civil Service Ethics

The Advisory Body on Civil Service Ethics is a permanent body for considering ethical issues, which currently has been appointed for a term running from 22 April 2021 till 30 April 2025. 

Tasks of the Advisory Body 

 The tasks of the Advisory Body on Civil Service Ethics referred to in section 68(1) of the Public Servants Act (750/1994) are: 

  1. submitting initiatives and issuing general recommendations on public service ethics as well as supporting decision-making; 
  2. giving statements on issues concerning civil service ethics on request of central government agencies; 
  3. promoting discussion on a public service ethics; 
  4. at its discretion, performing tasks related to public service ethics proposed to it by the Ministry of Finance.

 The Advisory Body on Civil Service Ethics makes its own decisions about the issues related to public service ethics or ethical problems which it examines and on which it gives statements. In this context, an ethical problem refers to situations where it is unclear what the ethically justified way to act would be. The Advisory Body may, on its own initiative, also discuss problematic cases other than those listed here. In addition, public officials may propose issues for the Advisory Body to discuss. Rather than answering individual questions posed to it, the purpose of the Advisory Body is to express its views as public statements. 

The Advisory Body is tasked to examine civil service ethics as part of the political and administrative system as a whole, in which the specific roles of public officials and politicians are also relevant to ethics in public administration. The members of both groups must act in an ethically sustainable manner.  

The statements and recommendations issued by the Advisory Body are consultative rather than legally binding. 

The Advisory Body works independently. Its tasks do not include settling disputes or hearing complaints. 

Advisory Body members 

The Advisory Body on Civil Service Ethics is chaired by Pekka Vihervuori, Doctor of Law. 

Vice Chairman Pentti Mäkinen, Board Member, Transparency International Finland
Matti Häyry, Professor, Aalto University
Ari Salminen, Professor, University of Vaasa
Anne Kiiski, Head of Consultation, Local and County Government employers KT
Kirsi Pimiä, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior
Timo Laitinen, Director General, State Treasury
Saara Salomaa, Specialist, Vice Member of Council for Mass Media (CMM)
Heidi Nummela, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Markku Nieminen, Negotiation Manager, Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals

Senior Ministerial Adviser Timo Moilanen, MInistery of Finance

Kati Orkola, Senior Officer for Legislative Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Päivi Pietarinen, Senior Adviser for Legislative Affairs, Prime Minister´s Office

Contact information

Pekka Vihervuori
Doctor of Law 

Kati Orkola
Senior Officer for Legislative Affairs
Tel. 02955 30108
[email protected]

Päivi Pietarinen
Senior Adviser for Legislative Affairs
Tel 0295 160 354
[email protected]