Occupational health and safety 

The objective of occupational health and safety (OHS) is to maintain and promote workers’ health, safety and ability to work, and to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. Particular areas for development include preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders and promoting workers’ mental health and wellbeing at work. 

Networking and development 

OHS development and networking between OHS staff in central government are supported by the central government OHS cooperation group. It includes representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the State Treasury, central government employee associations and the occupational safety and health divisions of regional state administrative agencies. 

Members of the group are elected. Persons who are OHS officers or representatives in central government and have the right to vote in the elections of their own group can be nominated for election. Information contained in the OHS personal data file in used for organising the elections.

Further information

Occupational healthcare

Contact information

Päivi Lanttola
Ministerial Adviser
tel. +358 (0)2955 30120