Guidance of wellbeing services counties

The objective of central government guidance of the organisation of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services by the wellbeing services counties, HUS Group and the City of Helsinki is to ensure that the fundamental rights of residents are realised. 

The goal is to secure the equal implementation of safe, effective and timely healthcare and social welfare services and the implementation of rescue services in a manner that corresponds to the risks. Central government guidance also ensures the sustainability of general government finances and the efficient use of limited resources. 

Provisions on guidance for the wellbeing services counties are laid down by law, and the Government and the wellbeing services counties will create a guidance model together. A key guidance tool is closer and increasingly effective interaction between the Government and the wellbeing services counties. 

Central government guidance is strategic

Central government guidance is strategic: the activities and finances of the counties are guided as a whole. Guidance is based on the national objectives for healthcare, social welfare and rescue services. These national objectives support the sustainability of general government finances. Guidance is also based on a uniform and comparable knowledge base, and focuses on the duties of the wellbeing services counties to organise services. Forms of guidance include legislative, resource and information guidance as well as novel combinations of these forms (called hybrid guidance). 

The guidance of wellbeing services counties has been designed as a process that includes a recurring annual cycle. The ministries responsible for providing central government guidance and each wellbeing services county engage in annual negotiations concerning guidance and direction. These negotiations focus on the activities and finances of the county as a whole. 

The ministries and counties also engage in dialogue in new advisory boards. 

  • The Advisory Board on County Finances and Administration examines general government finances and county finances as a whole. The´board is directed by the Ministry of Finance.
  • The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health directs the Advisory Board on Healthcare and Social Welfare, which monitors and evaluates the implementation of healthcare and social welfare services.
  • Correspondingly, the Ministry of the Interior directs the Advisory Board on Rescue Services, which monitors and evaluates the implementation of rescue services.


Antto Korhonen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. 02955 30547, antto.korhonen(at)