Foresight and evaluations of governance policy

Foresight activities are part of the governance policy toolbox. Governance policy foresight activities are carried out across the Government.

Futures reviews are prepared at the end of each government term to support the parliamentary elections and the formation of the next government. Governance policy themes are covered in the Ministry of Finance’s futures reviews.

OECD evaluations of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of public governance policy and reforms

In governance reforms, it is important to evaluate the success of the development work that is carried out. In Finland, almost all major development projects are accompanied by such an evaluation. In addition to these project-specific evaluations, it is vital to evaluate governance and governance reforms as a whole at regular intervals. 

Overall evaluations of Finland’s governance policy have been carried out in 2011 and 2015. The OECD published a trust survey on Finland in 2021 and an evaluation of Finland’s anticipatory innovation governance system in 2022. 

Results of OECD trust survey on Finland published in spring 2021

The final report of the OECD’s trust survey of Finland provides up-to-date information on people’s trust in government and public institutions in Finland. It also gives recommendations on how administration and governance can be improved to build and maintain public trust. The final report of the trust survey was published on 4 May 2021. Finland is also included in the OECD’s wider trust surveys published in 2022 and 2024.

OECD trust survey final report "Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions in Finland"

Ministry of Finance press release on final report of OECD trust survey

FINEST – a joint country review of governance in Finland and Estonia in 2015

The OECD carried out a joint public governance review of Finland and Estonia in 2015. The review was a follow-up to the previous review of Finland's governance policy, which was carried out in 2010.

OECD Public Governance Reviews: Finland Fostering Strategic Capacity across Governments and Digital Services across Borders

OECD Public Governance Reviews: Estonia and Finland

Katju Holkeri
Senior Financial Adviser
Tel. +358 2955 30087
[email protected]