Evidence-based management

Evidence-based management aims to increase the organisation's ability to create value through knowledge and expertise. The value of administration is derived from well-functioning and effective services, cost-effectiveness and the building of a stable society. In central government, evidence-based man-agement seeks to make systematic use of information in preparation, decision-making and implementa-tion, both in the Government and in agencies and institutions. Evidence-based management can improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of measures.

In administration, evidence-based management is useful for example when setting strategic objectives and monitoring objectives and results, and in the operational management of activities. The task of the management is to enable processes that transform data into activities.  For this, skills should be improved, practices reformed and information resources opened up for wider use within and outside the administration. In the end, evidence-based management has to do with learning and reforming activities. New technologies and digitalisation offer better and more efficient solutions for data processing. This is supported by new legislation on information management and data protection. 

Contact information

Markus Siltanen
Senior Ministerial Adviser, Financial Affairs 
Tel. +358 295 530 263 