Local union representatives 

The purpose of local union representatives is to promote compliance with the agreements concluded between the social partners. Representatives encourage appropriate, fair and expeditious settlement of any disputes between the employer and the employees, facilitate the handling of any other issues between the employer and the employees, and promote the maintenance of industrial peace. 

Local union representatives represent public officials, employees and employee associations in matters relating to the interpretation and application of collective agreements, acts and regulations and, in general, in matters relating to the relationship between employers and public officials or employees. With regard to intra-agency collective agreements, they represent employees when it is required by a collective agreement or legislation. 

Local union representatives’ selection, duties, position and rights are laid down in an annex to the general collective agreement for government. Representatives have been given rights for the performance of their duties, including time to carry out their activities, access to information and compensation for loss of earnings. In order to safeguard their position, representatives may not be discriminated against because of their position, and they have special protection against transfers and unjustified dismissal. 

More specific provisions on the representatives, such as the organisation of their activities and the use of their time, are given in the agencies’ own collective agreements and intra-agency collective agreements.

Contact information   

Risto Lerssi
Senior Ministerial Adviser  
Tel. +358 2955 30022