Over EUR 3 million from Finland's Sustainable Growth Programme for revitalising cultural and creative industries

Minister of Science and Culture Sari Multala has granted EUR 3.3 million in discretionary government grants to those operating in the cultural and creative industries. Structural support is part of the Sustainable Growth Programme and is designed to create innovative services and to devise novel production and operating procedures.
These grants are the most recent batch in the nearly EUR 30 million support package for reshaping the cultural and creative industries. Three rounds of grants have previously been awarded. The aim is to help those in the cultural and creative industries create innovative services and devise novel production and operating procedures.
Structural support for reshaping the cultural and creative industries is financed from the NextGeneration EU instrument of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
“Structural support has opened up opportunities for those operating in the cultural and creative industries to regenerate and make advances in digitalisation. Our goal for the projects is to bring results that benefit these industries in a multitude of ways,” Minister Sari Multala says.
Altogether sixteen projects were granted support in this round. They involve especially sectors such as cultural heritage and tourism, audiovisual and film industries, as well as theatre, music, literature and copyright. Altogether 149 applications were submitted by the closing date.
Based on Finland's Sustainable Growth Programme, the objective of structural support is to create more jobs in the cultural and creative industries and to contribute to increasing their ratio to GDP. The projects contribute to achieving the objectives of the Roadmap to the Creative Economy.
Grants awarded in the first round of applications for structural support for the cultural and creative industries (2021) totalled EUR 4 million, in the second round (2022) EUR 13.72 million and in the third round (2023) EUR 8.38 million.
Structural support for revitalising the cultural and creative industries: Call for applications and grants awardedLink to an external website (in Finnish)
Elina Mäkelä, Specialist, tel. +358 29 5330 329
Sanna Käyhkö, Specialist, tel. +358 29 5330 111
Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland: Recovery and Resilience Plan
The financial resources for the Sustainable Growth Programme derive from the NextGeneration EU fund. The NextGeneration EU recovery package is divided into seven instruments, of which the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the largest.
To receive funding, Member States must present a Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). Finland’s RRP is included in the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. Finland’s Sustainable Growth Programme boosts competitiveness, investment, research, development and innovation, and measures to raise skill levels. The programme is divided into four pillars. The structural support for renewing the cultural and creative sectors belongs in pillar three, titled: Raising the employment rate and skill levels to accelerate sustainable growth.