Monthly data on public finances and

data on contingent liabilities

The Ministry of Finance provides monthly data on Finnish public finances, broken down by government subsectors in compliance with Council Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States. Since the beginning of 2017 Statistics Finland compiles monthly data to the Ministry of Finance. Monthly figures are given for total revenues, total expenditures and fiscal balances of central government, employment pension schemes and other social security funds. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance provides data on contingent liabilities in compliance with Counsil Directive 2011/85/EU.

Contact information:

Seppo Orjasniemi, Head of Unit
Ministry of Finance, Economics Department, Macro Fiscal Policy Analysis
tel. +358 2955 30343

Mr Juho Ivaska, Senior Statistician / Markus Korhonen, Senior Statistician
Statistics Finland