Ministerial working group approves submission of updated EU Digital Decade roadmap to European Commission

At its meeting on 19 November 2024, the ministerial working group endorsed the submission of the updated roadmap under the EU Digital Decade 2030 programme to the European Commission. The ministerial working group also resolved to re-evaluate the transparency of critical infrastructure information and held discussions on legislation for the reform of regional state administration.
The EU Digital Decade policy programme establishes shared objectives for digital transformation and the data economy across the EU for 2030. The objectives can be summarised into four key areas: a digitally skilled population and highly skilled digital professionals, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, digital transformation of businesses and digitalisation of public services. The aim is for everyone in the EU to maximise the benefits of digitalisation.
The policy programme requires Member States to develop and periodically update national roadmaps to achieve these objectives. The European Commission’s annual State of the Digital Decade report evaluates Member States’ progress in advancing digitalisation and provides recommendations for further action, including those based on national roadmaps.
Finland’s 2023 roadmap has been updated and refined in light of the Commission’s recommendations. Finland’s targets are generally aligned with, or more ambitious than, the EU’s common goals. The updated document will be submitted to the European Commission by 2 December 2024.
Re-evaluating transparency of critical infrastructure information
The ministers agreed to re-assess the transparency of critical infrastructure information. The Ministry of Finance is launching a project to examine the risks associated with publicly available information on critical infrastructure and to consider potential legislative amendments. This initiative will enable public administration to better assess the risks involved in sharing such information openly.
The ministerial working group also discussed the ongoing reform of regional state administration. This reform aims to streamline and standardise licensing, guidance and supervisory functions across central government by establishing a national licensing and supervisory agency and ten regional Economic Development Centres.
The government’s legislative proposal for the reform is expected to be submitted to Parliament in early 2025, with the new agencies set to commence operations at the beginning of 2026. The establishment of the national agency and the Economic Development Centres is progressing through separate implementation projects.
Maaria Wallin, Special Adviser to the Minister, tel. +358 295 342 236,
Minna Kurki, Special Adviser to Minister Ikonen, tel. +358 50 437 2718,
Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, general secretary of the ministerial working group, tel. +358 295 342 166,
Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, general secretary of the ministerial working group, tel. +358 295 530 117,
European Commission: National Digital Decade strategic roadmapsLink to an external website