Ministry of Finance publishes application instructions for the loan scheme for energy companies
The Government’s third supplementary budget proposal includes a maximum EUR 10 billion loan and guarantee scheme for the energy sector. Companies operating on the electricity derivatives market have until 30 November to apply to the Ministry of Finance for loans.
The Government will decide on loans on a company-by-company basis. Being grand a loan requires a favourable opinion from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The loan scheme still requires the approval of the European Commission.
Sakari Lehtiö, Head of Unit, tel. +258 295 530 439, sakari.lehtio(at)
Helka Kärkkäinen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 530 417, helka.karkkainen(at)
Please send any questions primarily by email to valtiontakaukset.vm(at)
Key terms and conditions of the loan scheme to secure the liquidity of companies operating on the electricity derivatives market (in Finnish)File opens in a new tab pdf 206kB