Ministerial working group approved main elements of proposals concerning digital identity and the redesign of the personal identity code

In its meeting, the Ministerial Working Group on Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration approved the main elements of the legislative proposals concerning a digital identification application and the redesign of the personal identity code. The working group also approved continuing the preparation of Finland’s digital compass based on feedback.
In its meeting on 23 June, the ministerial working group was briefed on a legislative proposal concerning automated decision-making in public administration. The working group was also briefed on the situation picture of the cyber capabilities of authorities in critical sectors and on the progress of the Real-Time Economy project.
Digital identification application to be introduced alongside passports and identity cards
The digital identification application will be a mobile application that can be used to easily and securely provide proof of your identity using a smartphone or tablet. The digital identification application will work when using services both in person and online. It is scheduled to be introduced in 2023. The digital identification application will also improve the protection of privacy and data protection when using services.
“A digital identity will improve people's ability to manage their data and will make handling day-to-day affairs more convenient in many ways. We should be proud that Finland is among the first countries in Europe to promote its own model. We are a step ahead when it comes to digitalisation,” says Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero.
Before the digital identification application can be introduced, the personal identity code system needs to be redesigned. The goals of the redesign include making it possible to issue personal identity codes to foreign nationals more quickly, creating a new personal unique identifier alongside the personal identity code, and making it possible to issue gender-neutral personal identity codes. The objectives also include promoting work-based immigration, improving the protection of privacy and preventing gender-based discrimination. Gender-neutral personal identity codes will not change existing personal identity codes. They will be introduced in 2027 and issued to people born in or immigrating to Finland after that.
“Many sectors are currently experiencing a shortage of talent, and companies need and want to recruit foreign talent. Being able to issue personal identity codes more quickly will promote work-based immigration,” says Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä.
The Government is scheduled to submit the legislative proposals concerning digital identity and the personal identity code system to Parliament in the autumn.
Government to draft report on the digital compass
The ministerial working group decided on the form that Finland's digital compass will take and on the next steps in preparation. A government report will be drafted on the digital compass next autumn.
The objective of the digital compass is to formulate a shared national vision and targets for digital transformation and the data economy for 2030. The digital compass received a great deal of feedback from stakeholders during the consultation round in spring 2022. The statements commended the cross-administrative approach of the compass and emphasised the need for long-term commitment to the implementation of the compass. Changes were requested, for example, to the specification of targets and indicators.
Mika Nordman, Director of Digital Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7142
Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 40 096 9293
Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 29 553 0117