Ministry of Finance involved in Business Lead programme – aimed at providing a channel into Finnish working life

This year, the Ministry of Finance will take part for the first time in the Business Lead training programme organised by Hanken & SSE Executive Education. Public officials in the Ministry will act as mentors in the programme. The programme started today 13 May offers highly educated immigrants and refugees the opportunity to find out about Finnish working life.
If the funding base for the existing welfare state is to be secured at a time when the Finnish population is ageing and the proportionate size of the working-age population is shrinking, the employment rate must be raised and labour productivity enhanced. Employment can be increased by reducing unemployment, by encouraging people outside the labour force to join the labour market or by promoting work-based immigration.
– Supporting employment levels becomes even more important as the working-age population in Finland contracts. Finland is not yet using the full potential offered by the expertise of skilled people coming from elsewhere. Therefore, it is very important that there are various programmes for introducing people to Finnish working life, says Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki.
Mentor officials looking forward to first meetings
The Business Lead programme works as a bridge to working life. In addition to mentoring, the programme includes business studies, online studying and a three-month traineeship.
In the programme, public officials at the Ministry of Finance act as mentors for groups of three to four people. Mentoring takes about four months and consists of very practical assistance to the trainees for integrating into Finnish society and working life.
– Taking part in the Business Lead training programme is something new for us at the Ministry. When we talk about establishing a framework for employment growth, we are really at the very core of the Ministry of Finance’s strategy. Now we can do something concrete and share our competence, but at the same time we get to hear about practical difficulties in looking for work. In one week, we managed to get together 11 mentor officials, all eager to start their work, says Liinu Lehto, Director of Communications in the Ministry of Finance.
The Business Lead programme is part of the Integration SIB (Social Impact Bond) project implemented by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. You can find more information about the Business Lead programme on the Hanken & SSE websiteLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab.
Liinu Lehto, Director of Communications, tel. +358 29 5530221, liinu.lehto(at)