General Government Fiscal Plan 2020–2023 approved

On 4 April 2019, the Government reached agreement on the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2020–2023.
The plan for 2020–2023 does not propose any new policy orientations. It is based on the legislation in force and takes into account the impact of the decisions made by the present Government on the expenditure and revenue levels in the coming years.
The Government also approved the Stability Programme (appended to the General Government Fiscal Plan) and Finland’s National Reform Programme, which Finland will submit to the EU. The programmes are related to the European Semester.
General Government Fiscal Plan (including the Stability Programme)Tiedosto avautuu uudessa välilehdessä pdf 462kB (In Finnish)
Finland’s National Reform Programme
European Semester
Technical General Government Fiscal Plan for 2020–2023 adopted (Government press release 28.3.2019, in Finnish)
Johanna von Knorring-Rosenlew, Senior Ministerial Adviser, (General Government Fiscal Plan), tel. +358 295 530 232, johanna.vonknorring(at)
Marketta Henriksson, Senior Ministerial Adviser, (Stability Programme), tel. +358 295 530 441, marketta.henriksson(at)
Laura Vartia, Senior Ministerial Adviser, (Finland’s National Reform Programme), tel. +358 295 530 441, firstname.lastname(at)