Finland, a land of solutions

Strategic Programme of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s Government 29 May 2015

In 2025, Finland is an inventive, caring and safe country where we all can feel important. Our society is based on trust.

In Finland, personal obligations and society’s responsibilities are in an ethically sustainable balance. We share a strong feeling of community. Help and care are given to everyone in our society of many generations.

People have freedom and responsibility for their own and their families’ lives. We trust each other. We respect each other. We find common solutions. We regulate less.

In public finance, revenues and expenditures are in balance. We maintain a healthy level of debt. Effort, work and economic activity are rewarded. Economic growth is based on good leadership, strong entrepreneurship and ownership, and utilisation of the whole country’s resources.

Finland is open and international, rich in languages and cultures. Finland’s competitiveness is built on high expertise, sustainable development and open-minded innovations based on experimentation and digitalisation. We encourage renewal, creativity and interest in new ideas. Failure is acceptable and we learn from our mistakes.

The public authorities make even difficult decisions together with Finnish people to ensure future wellbeing. An open and positive attitude towards each other and the surrounding world makes Finland a unique, good country.
