Public services will be digitalised

Digitalisation is a cross-cutting theme in the Government Programme and it will be addressed in nearly every key project. Responsibility for the project of digitalising public services is on the Public Sector ICT Department of the Ministry of Finance. With the help of new operating practices, public services will become user-oriented and primarily digital. Principles for the digitalisation of all public services will also be established and a one-stop-shop service system and information management legislation developed.

Implementation of the Government Programme

Read more about the digital municipality trial as well: The digital municipality trial combines a number of the Government’s key projects, such as cutting costs in the public sector, digitalizing public services and introducing a culture of experimentation.

Three key projects

1. Principles for the digitalisation of all public services will be established (principles of digitalisation).

2. The administrative branches and municipalities will be committed to reforming internal administrative proc-esses. In the development projects that receive separate funding, priority will be given to projects in which the productivity gains are most substantial (digitalisation of processes).

3. A one-stop-shop service model will be developed and the information management legislation reformed (one-stop-shop service system).

Key project schedule

Key project schedule.


Objectives of the key project

Objectives of the key project

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