2017 Draft Budgetary Plan

Under Regulation (EU) No 473/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Regulation on common provisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans and ensuring the correction of excessive deficit of the Member States in the euro area), euro area Member States are required to submit their draft budgetary plans (DBPs) for the forthcoming year to the Commission by 15 October. The DBPs are part of the coordinated surveillance exercise that takes place in the autumn. The DBP should allow the identification of any deviations from the general government finances strategy presented in the most recent Stability Programme. The DBP contains information on macroeconomic forecasts and assumptions, targets for general government finances, expenditure and revenue projections under the no-policy-change scenario, expenditure and revenue targets, discretionary measures included in the draft budget, the goals of the European Union’s strategy for growth and jobs and the country specific recommendations, and a comparison between the DBP and the most recent Stability Programme, as well as a methodological annex. Finland’s draft budgetary plan for 2017 is based on the Government’s 2017 draft budget submitted to Parliament on 15 September 2016, which for the most part is founded upon the spring 2016 spending limits decision, on the 2016 supplementary budgets and on the 2017 programme for local government finances.

Contact information:

Mr Jussi Huopaniemi
Senior Adviser
t. 029 553 0257
